Picture made by: Marianna Geraci

Intuition - Feelings - Thoughts
About me:
I’m a visual artist based in the Netherlands. For me as a Highly Sensitive Person and an INFP (introversion, intuition, feeling, perception) personality type becoming an artist almost seemed inevitable.
Although at times these traits can be difficult I feel blessed owning them. It makes me see and perceive this world in a highly intense, beautiful and special manner. I feel everything.
My mind is wired to make connections and to see the bigger picture. When I hear a song I exactly know which line of lyrics to pick out of it. And to which kind of feeling those words connect to.
I can visualize and sense a feeling into combinations getting together in an atmosphere that is made up out of colour, sound, texture, forms and words.
(Meanwhile) I always have the past, future and present as a collective in the back of my mind. I also always keep and feel (in the back of my mind) the poor, the rich, the pain of the world and the joy, as if I were it all.